Saturday, June 14, 2008

Crazy Busy Day

Em.... Yesterday back to home at 12:00 midnight so quite tired lo... Yesterday was an important day for RRSS. Everyone was busy for that, prefects, teachers, and also students. Yesterday morning around 9:45am, Few artists( Nick Chung, M-Girls, Danny) visited our school, the whole school very high especially girls... They can't control themself when they saw Nick Chung and Danny. Haha....

Finally the class ended. We are ready to going to the airport to welcome the VVIP. Chea Arn, Laura, Wui Lok and I has been chosen to be the representative of school. We are waiting for the VVIP start from 4:30pm till 7:30pm. Quite bored at there lo...Nothing to do... We all take photo with the aeroplane, 所谓“苦中作乐”嘛!!! Finally we can go to EastWood liao.....Going there by using VVIP's car...

I take photo with some artists. Those photos can view in my friendster profile. Haha.... But my leg was very painful la... Walk here and there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

link me ya~~